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Can I Receive Workers' Compensation If I Was Assaulted at Work?

 Posted on June 17,2022 in Workers' Compensation

California workers compensation lawyerWorkplace violence is a nationwide problem. Anyone in any line of work could experience an assault while on the job. In the last few years, health care workers have been particularly vulnerable to being attacked by patients or their family members. Some lines of work may inherently involve some level of violence - for example, if you are a bouncer at a nightclub then it is far more likely that you may be injured intentionally while working. In other lines of work, assaults are far less likely but do still happen. The good news is that if you were attacked while working, you are likely eligible to receive Workers’ Compensation. Depending on who the assailant was, you may also have additional options for pursuing a claim. 

Getting Workers’ Compensation After Experiencing Workplace Violence

No one should be attacked while they are trying to do their jobs. Even if you were not seriously injured physically, you may still have suffered a significant emotional injury. Being assaulted can be traumatic for anyone. The costs associated with a workplace assault are likely to involve both medical treatment and counseling or therapy. 

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3 Elements You Must Prove to Collect Workers’ Compensation in California

 Posted on June 10,2022 in Uncategorized

California workers comp lawyersFor as straightforward as Workers’ Compensation may seem, actually receiving it can become quite a challenge. Workers’ Compensation is a type of insurance program for employers, designed to help cover expenses when someone gets hurt on the job. Workplace injuries can happen to anyone, whether you work on a construction site, in a medical facility, or at a desk. One fact that often surprises injured workers is that they do not need to prove that their employer was at fault for the accident. Even if an employer follows the correct safety protocols for the type of work being performed, injuries can still occur. This is why you are not required to show that your employer was negligent in any way. 

However, there are a few things that you do need to prove before you can collect Workers’ Compensation benefits. Our lawyers will help you begin collecting the evidence you may need right away, so it is important to call us as soon as you can after a workplace accident. 

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Top 5 Causes of Warehouse Injuries in Santa Clara County

 Posted on June 02,2022 in Workers' Compensation

Gilroy workers' comp attorneyMore and more people are doing the bulk of their shopping online rather than in a brick-and-mortar retail store. This has resulted in warehouses and order fulfillment centers popping up everywhere. These centers can employ hundreds of people and often have high turnover rates. A high percentage of warehouse employees are new to the job and may not have received adequate training in safety practices.

Anyone who has spent time working in a warehouse or order fulfillment center can tell you that safety training is essential when you are working in an enormous building filled with rows of products stacked to the ceiling. It is no surprise that workplace injuries are not uncommon in these locations. If you are injured on the job, you are likely entitled to financial help through Workers’ Compensation. An attorney can help make sure that you receive the full amount of compensation you deserve. 

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Can I Get Workers' Compensation After an On-the-Job Car Accident?

 Posted on May 30,2022 in Workers' Compensation

b2ap3_thumbnail_work-truck-vehicle-accident-liability.jpgDetermining liability after a car accident can be tricky - even trickier if the accident was work-related. As a general rule, if you were actively carrying out a work-related task, you can probably use Workers’ Compensation to recover damages. However, depending on what happened, there could be a liable third party you could pursue compensation from. A number of circumstances and factors can affect liability when an auto accident is work-related. In some cases, you may have multiple options. If you were hurt in a car accident at work, you will probably need to contact an attorney who can assess your case and determine how best to go about getting you compensated. 

What If I Get in an Accident on My Commute?

If you were merely commuting to or from work, you were probably not on the job for purposes of getting Workers’ Compensation. This does not mean you are out of luck - you will just need to pursue compensation from the responsible driver or their insurance company. The same applies to accidents that occur while you are on break. 

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Top 3 Types of OSHA Violations That Get People Hurt

 Posted on May 24,2022 in Workers' Compensation

San Jose workers' compensation attorneyThe Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) sets out safety standards for a good reason. Without these federal standards in place, quite a few more workers would be trying to do their jobs in an unsafe environment. OSHA standards exist to force employers to take employee safety seriously and put measures in place to minimize the occurrence of workplace injuries. However, there are some employers who still stubbornly refuse to comply with OSHA’s safety requirements. When a violation occurs, everyone on the job site could be at risk.

Each year, OSHA publishes a list of the most commonly cited safety violations. Sadly, these violations are often not discovered until someone gets hurt and needs workers’ compensation. Note that you do not need to prove that your employer was at fault or in violation of a safety law to receive workers’ compensation. However, a violation does increase the chances that an injury will occur. Any time you suffer a workplace injury, the smart move is to immediately contact an attorney. 

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What Expenses Should Workers' Compensation Cover?

 Posted on May 15,2022 in Workers' Compensation

California workers comp attorneyNo one wants to end up in a position where they need to rely on Workers’ Compensation. You would almost certainly prefer that the workplace accident or incident that left you injured had never happened. Being sidelined due to a workplace injury can bring a lot of new anxieties and struggles into your life. On top of trying to recover physically and emotionally, you are probably worried about recovering financially as well. The expenses associated with a workplace injury can add up very quickly when you stop to think about it. The good news here is that Workers’ Compensation should cover most if not all of your expenses related to the accident - including future costs you may not even be thinking about yet. A Workers’ Compensation attorney can help you come up with a complete list of your accident-related costs that could be compensable. 

Compensable Expenses After a Workplace Accident

Generally speaking, just about any expense or loss you incur as a result of your workplace injury should be compensable. It is important to have an attorney help you take a thorough accounting of your costs related to the accident. You probably know that your current medical bills and some lost wages can be recovered, but you could also be compensated for: 

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5 Steps to Take Quickly After a Workplace Injury

 Posted on May 10,2022 in Workers' Compensation

California workplace injury lawyerWorkplace accidents can happen when you least expect them. What starts out as a perfectly normal day at work can end in a disaster. Whether your job is largely considered “dangerous,” like types of construction work, or mostly safe, like retail work, the fact is that a workplace injury can happen to anyone. Even people with desk jobs have been injured at work. This is why it is so important for everyone to know exactly how to respond just in case it does happen to you. The way you handle the situation as it unfolds can be extremely important later. Making a mistake could harm your case when it comes time to seek compensation, while handling everything correctly could make it much more difficult for your employer to deny your claim. One of the most important things you can possibly do after a workplace injury is to contact an attorney who can offer you further guidance. 

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UPDATE: Can I Get Workers’ Compensation for PTSD and other Psychological Injuries?

 Posted on April 28,2022 in Workers' Compensation

Santa Clara County workers compensation attorney

Originally published: March 31, 2021 -- Updated: April 27, 2022

UPDATE: In cases where workers experience mental disorders, they may struggle to perform work and meet all the requirements of employment. Because of this, they may experience negative consequences, and they could even lose their jobs. However, California law allows workers to pursue workers’ compensation claims in these situations even after the termination of employment, as long as the circumstances that led to the injury occurred before the termination took place.

By receiving workers’ comp benefits, a person who struggles with PTSD or other mental health issues may be able to receive the necessary treatment, which would likely have been difficult following the loss of their job. To demonstrate that they qualify for workers’ comp, a person will need to show that their psychiatric injury was predominantly caused by the actual events of their employment, and at least one of the following must be true:

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How Do the Laws Protect Against Workers’ Compensation Discrimination?

 Posted on April 22,2022 in Workers' Compensation

b2ap3_thumbnail_gilroy-workers-comp-attorney.jpgA workplace accident or injury can lead to multiple types of difficulties that may affect a victim’s personal and professional life. While workers’ compensation benefits will usually be available to anyone who has suffered a work-related injury, there are some situations where workers may be hesitant to pursue these benefits out of fear that they will face consequences at their job. However, worker’s are protected against workers’ compensation discrimination, and they should be sure to understand their rights in these cases. This can ensure that they will be able to receive the benefits they deserve while preventing their employer from taking illegal actions against them.

What Is Workers’ Compensation Discrimination?

Every employee has the right to file a workers’ compensation claim and receive medical benefits, temporary or permanent disability benefits, or other applicable benefits following a work-related injury. It is illegal for an employer to penalize an employee for filing a workers’ comp claim, reporting a work injury, or otherwise asserting their rights. 

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How Can an Injured Worker Address Willful Misconduct by an Employer?

 Posted on April 14,2022 in Workers' Compensation

b2ap3_thumbnail_santa-clara-county-workers-comp-lawyer.jpgWhen a person is injured in a workplace accident or experiences injuries, illnesses, or other health issues that arose out of the work they had performed, they will usually be able to receive workers’ compensation benefits. Most of the time, these benefits will be available no matter who was responsible for an injury. An employee will not need to show that their employer acted negligently or otherwise caused them to suffer harm, and as long as they can show that their injuries were work-related, they will be able to receive medical benefits and temporary or permanent disability benefits. However, there are some situations where an employee may be able to receive additional compensation if they can demonstrate that they were injured because of “serious and willful” misconduct by their employer. 

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