Cramer and Martinez

Free Consultation408-848-1113

7459 Monterey St., Suite A, Gilroy, CA 95020

Santa Clara County Construction Worker Injury Lawyers

Workers' Compensation Attorneys For Construction Employees Injured at Work in Gilroy and Morgan Hill

In California, employees throughout all industries are entitled to workers' compensation benefits for work-related injuries and illnesses. However, employees in some industries and occupations are more likely to require those benefits than others. The construction industry is one of the most dangerous for employees, with the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) reporting that it accounts for roughly 20 percent of all workplace fatalities in the United States. Many other construction employees suffer injuries with varying degrees of severity that require medical care and time away from work.

If you have been injured in the course of your construction job, the attorneys at Cramer & Martinez, LLP can help. With over 20 years of combined legal experience, we can guide you through the process of filing a claim and getting medical treatment, and we will be your advocate and representative if you encounter any obstacles in your efforts to obtain the benefits you need.

Common Causes of Construction Worker Injuries

Construction sites are replete with potential hazards, and employees may be at risk of injury no matter how many safety precautions they and their employers have taken. Some of the most common causes of work-related injuries for construction workers are:

  • Accidents involving ladders and scaffolding: Construction workers often rely on ladders and scaffolds for support when working high above the ground. Injuries may occur when an employee falls from a height, when a weak or improperly secured ladder or scaffold collapses beneath an employee, or when an object falls from a ladder or scaffold onto an employee. These accidents are often catastrophic or even fatal, resulting in broken bones and injuries to thehead, neck, andspinal cord.
  • Slip, trip, and falls: Walking surfaces on construction sites can also be hazardous due to loose debris, wet and slippery floors, and materials and equipment obstructing walkways, all of which may contribute to fall injuries.
  • Vehicle accidents: Road construction workers and other employees who work near vehicle traffic are at risk of being struck and seriously injured by a car while performing their jobs.
  • Defective or poorly operated equipment: Bulldozers, forklifts, cranes, and other heavy equipment can cause serious injuries if they are operated unsafely, or if a defective part causes them to malfunction.
  • Exposure to environmental hazards: Electrocution and burn injuries are common among construction employees, and exposure to hazardous materials like asbestos and lead can lead to occupational diseases. Exposure to bright lights and high noise levels can also result in immediate or degenerative hearing and vision loss.
  • Physical strain: The physical demands of many construction occupations can cause both immediate and repetitive stress injuries to the back, neck, knees, shoulders, and joints.

How to Get Benefits For Construction Site Injuries

Whether you suffer an immediate injury or develop a repetitive stress injury over time as a result of your work responsibilities, you should notify your employer as soon as you are aware of your condition so that you can submit a workers' compensation claim form. Your employer's claims administrator will review your claim, and if it is accepted, you can start receiving benefits that cover any necessary medical care for your injuries or illness.

As you undergo treatment, your primary physician will evaluate your condition to determine whether you may be eligible for disability benefits. Many construction injuries have long-lasting effects, and due to the nature of construction work, physical impairments can significantly impact your ability to do your job. Temporary benefits can cover two-thirds of your lost wages during your recovery, and permanent disability benefits may be awarded if you are unable to work at your previous capacity even after recovering as much as possible. In the case of a fatal accident, a construction worker's dependents are also eligible to receive death benefits.

Contact a Gilroy Construction Employee Injury Attorney

For guidance in filing your claim, or for assistance with an appeal if your claim is denied, contact us today at 408-848-1113 for a free consultation. We represent injured construction workers in Gilroy, Morgan Hill, San Jose, Hollister, Salinas, Watsonville, Los Banos, and throughout Santa Clara County, San Benito County, Monterey County, Santa Cruz County, Merced County, and the surrounding areas.

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