Cramer and Martinez

Free Consultation408-848-1113

7459 Monterey St., Suite A, Gilroy, CA 95020

Gilroy, CA Workers' Comp Benefits Attorneys

Lawyers for Medical, Disability, and Job Displacement Benefits in Santa Clara County and Surrounding Areas

Work-related injuries can have a major impact on both your immediate well-being and your long-term health and wellness. In the most serious cases, they can affect you for the rest of your life, or even cut your life short. Often, the physical effects are compounded by the financial effects, as you may face high medical expenses and the inability to return to work and earn an income. California law requires employers to provide workers' compensation benefits to protect injured employees from financial hardship, and these benefits come in a variety of forms depending on the severity of the injuries and their effects.

If you have been injured at work, the attorneys at Cramer & Martinez, LLP can help you understand the types of benefits you may be entitled to, and work with you to file a claim for the greatest possible compensation. The claims process can sometimes be long and complicated, but with more than 20 years of combined experience, we know how to approach it to give you the best chance of success.

Types of California Workers' Compensation Benefits

There are several different types of workers' compensation benefits in California, and it is important to understand what each of them covers, whether they apply to your case, and how much compensation you can expect to receive. Depending on the circumstances, available benefits include:

  • Medical care: Medical care benefits should be available to any employee who has been injured on the job, whether the injury was the fault of the employer, the employee, or a third party. These benefits cover the full extent of your medical expenses related to the injury, including emergency care, doctor and hospital visits, tests, treatment, surgery, rehabilitation, medication, transportation, and more. You may be able to use your own chosen healthcare provider if you have predesignated one in writing with your employer, or you may be able to receive care from a provider chosen by your employer.
  • Temporary disability benefits: If your injuries prevent you from working for longer than three days, you may be entitled to temporary disability benefits at a rate of two-thirds of your lost weekly wages, as long as this amount falls within the maximum and minimum limits under California law. Temporary total disability (TTD) benefits may be awarded if you are unable to work at all during your recovery, while temporary partial disability (TPD) benefits are available if you can work in a reduced capacity. These benefits may last until you reach your greatest possible recovery.
  • Permanent disability benefits: Permanent disability (PD) benefits may be available if your injury will prevent you from ever returning to your full working capacity before the injury. After your primary physician determines that you have reached maximum medical improvement, meaning that you are not expected to get any better or worse, your doctor will assess your remaining injuries and the degree to which they will limit your work. Based on your doctor's assessment, you will be assigned a percentage rating that determines the amount you will receive and for how long your benefits will be paid.
  • Supplemental job displacement benefit: If you are judged to have a permanent partial disability and your employer does not offer you an arrangement to return to work in some capacity, you may be entitled to a supplemental job displacement benefit that provides a voucher to be used for your education, training, or skill enhancement that can help you find new employment.
  • Death benefits: If you were to lose your life due to a work-related injury, your spouse, children, and other dependents would be entitled to death benefits from workers' compensation, including a designated amount for burial expenses and weekly benefits based on the number of dependents you leave behind.

Contact a Morgan Hill Workers' Compensation Attorney

Determining your full benefit eligibility often takes time after your injury, and when you work with us, we will support, advise, and represent you throughout the entire process. Contact us today at 408-848-1113 for a free phone consultation. We serve clients throughout Santa Clara County, San Benito County, Monterey County, and Santa Cruz County, including Gilroy, Morgan Hill, Hollister, Salinas, Watsonville, Los Banos, San Jose, and the surrounding areas.

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