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Workers’ Compensation Issues Following a Trench Collapse in California

 Posted on October 21,2024 in Workers' Compensation

Santa Clara County workers' compensation lawyerTrenches are commonly found at construction sites, and when they collapse, it can lead to severe injury and sometimes death. The recent death of a construction worker following a trench collapse has highlighted how dangerous these can be. All workers in California are entitled to workers’ compensation when they are hurt in a workplace injury, and construction workers are no exception. However, companies that provide compensation have an interest in limiting the amount of money they pay out. If you are injured while doing your job, a seasoned Morgan Hill, CA workers’ compensation lawyer can review your case and advise you on how to seek maximum compensation.

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Workers’ Compensation Challenges in California’s Gig Economy

 Posted on October 15,2024 in Workers' Compensation

Santa Clara workers' compensation lawyerIn 2024, more and more people are earning their living in ways that people could never have imagined a few decades ago. As platforms like Uber, DoorDash, TaskRabbit, and more have developed, it is more convenient for customers to get the goods and services they want, and people have more access to paying jobs to provide the requested services. With such an extensive gig economy, questions arise about things like workers’ compensation for people in short-term jobs. If you have questions about your workers’ compensation eligibility, contact a knowledgeable Morgan Hill, CA workers’ compensation lawyer.

How is Workers’ Compensation Eligibility Determined?

California’s workers’ compensation system is meant to compensate injured workers regardless of who is to blame for the injury. By nature of their work, gig workers tend to face several types of risks, including:

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Are Nurses Eligible for Workers’ Compensation in California?

 Posted on October 03,2024 in Workers' Compensation

Gilroy, CA Workers' Comp LawyerWorking as a nurse can be extremely demanding. Whether they are dealing with other people’s bodily fluids or bad tempers, handling hazardous materials, or treating contagious diseases, there are so many risks nurses face on a daily basis. Fortunately, like all employees in the state of California, nurses are entitled to workers’ comp benefits when they get injured at work. If you have questions about a specific case, contact a qualified Gilroy, CA workers’ comp lawyer.

What Does Nurses’ Workers’ Comp Coverage Involve?

When an employee in California gets sick or injured as a result of their job, they are generally entitled to workers’ comp, which covers the costs of any resulting medical expenses and any lost income from the time they were unable to work. There are two important conditions that need to be met for anyone to qualify for this coverage:

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3 Main Causes of Teacher Injuries in California

 Posted on September 30,2024 in Workers' Compensation

Hollister, CA workers' compensation lawyerTeachers play a vital role in children’s lives. However, they often deal with conditions that go beyond the scope of what you would typically expect to contend with during a regular work day. Teachers, like any other workers, are eligible for workers’ compensation if they get injured doing their jobs. If you have questions about an injury you got while working as a school teacher, a qualified Hollister, CA workers’ compensation lawyer can give you answers.

Toxic Exposure for School Teachers

Many schools face endless budgetary battles and find they hardly have enough money to keep going from year to year. With resources stretched thin, it can be hard for school administrators to address issues that come up, including:

Workers’ Compensation for Auto Mechanics in California

 Posted on September 20,2024 in Workers' Compensation

CA injury lawyerWhen people get injured at their jobs, they are generally entitled to workers’ compensation, which can cover any medical expenses, long-term therapy, missed work, and the need for new job training resulting from the injury. Auto mechanics are no exception. With a daily routine that can include working with machines and cars, heavy lifting, and straining, there are several common injuries typical of an average auto mechanic. If you work in an auto shop and have questions about whether you are eligible for workers’ comp coverage for a workplace injury, speak with a knowledgeable Gilroy, CA workers’ comp lawyer to learn more.

Common Auto Mechanic Injuries

Auto repair can be a physically demanding job with many potential risks. Mechanics work with cars, tools, and machinery. Some of the most commonly reported injuries among auto mechanics include repetitive stress injuries, back strains, herniated discs, and fractures caused by:

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Workers’ Compensation Eligibility for California Waste Collectors

 Posted on September 14,2024 in Workers' Compensation

CA injury lawyerWaste collectors contribute so much to the communities they serve. They come to work regardless of the weather to ensure the cleanliness of our neighborhoods. Unfortunately, they face serious risks, too. Although fatalities have decreased in recent years, waste collection is still the seventh deadliest industry in America.

The good news is that just like any other employee, waste collectors are eligible for workers’ compensation benefits. Whether you work for a private waste company or the local government, you could receive coverage for medical care and lost wages. If you suffered a workplace injury at your waste collection job but are having trouble getting the benefits you are entitled to, speak with a knowledgeable San Benito County, CA workers’ compensation attorney for guidance.

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Do Airport Workers Get Workers’ Compensation? | CA

 Posted on September 06,2024 in Workers' Compensation

Hollister County, CA workers' comp attorneyAirport workers are the backbone of the travel industry, keeping everything from planes to passengers moving smoothly. Whether it is loading baggage, maintaining airplanes, or ensuring runway safety, their work is vital. But with that responsibility comes risk.

From dealing with heavy equipment to working long shifts in unpredictable weather, airport jobs can be tough. Unfortunately, these conditions can lead to injuries, and when that happens, workers need to know they are protected by laws that promise compensation for their injuries. If you are an airport worker who has been hurt on the job, talk to a Gilroy, CA workers' compensation lawyer to learn more about options you may have.

What Are Common Injuries Suffered by Airport Workers?

Airport workers face a variety of hazards that can result in different types of injuries, including:

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California Firefighters and PTSD

 Posted on August 28,2024 in Types of Benefits

CA injury lawyerAs a society, we depend on firefighters to keep us safe. They are called on to help in many situations: fires, serious car crashes, and construction collapses, to name a few. Firefighters go to work every day to save people whose lives are in danger, and in doing so, they put themselves at risk, too. Unfortunately, because of the nature of their work, firefighters face a high risk of serious injury, whether physical, mental, or emotional. Like all employees in California, firefighters are also entitled to workers’ compensation to cover the costs of these injuries, but the red tape involved in proving their injuries, specifically nonphysical injuries like PTSD, can feel like an uphill battle. If you are a firefighter who has been injured in any way while doing your job, speak with an experienced Hollister, CA workers’ compensation lawyer who can help you navigate the complicated process and guide you on how to move forward.

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Understanding Apportionment in California Workers’ Compensation

 Posted on August 22,2024 in Types of Benefits

CA injury lawyerWhile most California employees are entitled to workers’ compensation to cover the costs of injuries they suffer at work, there are guidelines and limitations to the compensation they can receive. If someone had a preexisting condition or some other underlying issue at the time they got hurt, that can impact the amount of compensation they are awarded. Apportionment is a calculation explaining how much of someone’s injury was caused by a workplace incident. If you were hurt and need to prove how much of your injury was the result of something that happened at your job, speak with a skilled Morgan Hill, CA workers’ compensation attorney to learn more.

How is Apportionment Calculated in California?

Since injuries can be caused by several factors, many workers’ compensation cases include the need to determine apportionment, which is the portion of an injury that can directly be attributed to work. If an injury was the result of several factors, the employer will not be solely responsible for compensating the injured employee. Because this can have significant implications for the permanent disability compensation you might be entitled to, your employer needs to meet strict standards before they can seek lesser compensation.

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3 Tips for Returning to Work After a Work Injury

 Posted on August 13,2024 in The Workers' Compensation Process in Calfornia

CA injury lawyerIf you were injured at work and are receiving workers’ compensation benefits in California, you might wonder what happens when it is time to go back to your job. Returning to work after an injury can be challenging, but understanding the process can help make it smoother. This article will offer information about returning to work after a workers' compensation injury. If you have more questions, speak with an experienced Hollister, CA workers’ compensation attorney who can explain further.

What to Do When You Are Ready to Return to Work

Before you can go back to work after being awarded workers’ compensation benefits, there are some important steps to take. If you decide on your own that you are ready to return and you show up one day without preparing anyone in advance, it could cause setbacks that keep you from resuming your real routine. You might go to work before you are fully able or before your workplace is ready for you. There are ways to avoid making those mistakes.

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