Cramer and Martinez

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Risks That Delivery Drivers Should Look Out For

 Posted on May 23,2024 in Workers' Compensation

Blog ImageThere are plenty of reasons why people seek jobs as delivery drivers. They get to earn an honest living while out on the road instead of being stuck inside a stuffy office, dress comfortably, and listen to things they like while getting their job done. However, the job certainly comes with its own set of risks. Delivery drivers are at a higher risk for a variety of accidents and injuries that could result in costly medical care and recovery. If you are a delivery driver, it is important to understand the types of risk you face and how workers’ compensation can help. This article will examine some common causes for delivery driver injuries, but if this is personally relevant to you, an experienced California driver injury attorney can help you navigate the process of getting compensated for your expenses.

Common Causes of Delivery Driver Injuries

There are a large number of things that can cause delivery drivers to get injured at work. Some of the most common include:

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Can My Age Affect My Eligibility for Workers’ Compensation?

 Posted on May 15,2024 in Workers' Compensation

CA injury lawyerThe state of California has prioritized workers’ rights, with many laws protecting all types of workers in almost every field imaginable. When someone gets injured while performing their job or at their place of work, they are generally eligible for workers’ compensation benefits, which would cover the expenses of their recovery. Unfortunately, not all workers are aware of what they are entitled to in such cases. Even if their employer has made sure to distribute information to all employees about what they can do if they have a workplace injury, insurance companies prefer paying less than the employee is entitled to, or nothing at all, so it can be difficult getting all the relevant information.

Sometimes, insurance companies might even try to intimidate or manipulate injured employees and try to make them think that their age or other factors can affect their eligibility for workers’ compensation. If you get hurt at work, the best thing you can do is consult with an experienced Gilroy, CA workers’ compensation lawyer who can arm you with comprehensive knowledge about everything you are entitled to.

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Workers Compensation for Shoulder Injuries in California

 Posted on May 08,2024 in Workers' Compensation

CA injury lawyerPeople can suffer from a large variety of injuries at work. When that happens, they are generally eligible for workers’ compensation to cover the costs related to the injury. That can include medical bills and other costs associated with treatment and recovery as well as lost income when the employee could not come to work and potentially lost wages and earning capacity if the injury makes him unable to function in the job he used to have. One common type of workplace injury that will be explored in this article is an injury affecting the shoulder. If you suffered a work injury, speak with a skilled Hollister, CA workers’ compensation attorney to find out how to proceed.

Common Workplace Shoulder Injuries

Workplace injuries can happen to people who have more physical jobs - for example, military personnel, construction workers, dancers, and athletes - and those who have more sedentary jobs like office workers, computer coders, and manicurists. That is why these injuries can happen in such a variety of ways and cause varying degrees of damage. Some of the most common shoulder-related workplace injuries include:

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What Can I Do if I Was Denied Workers’ Compensation?

 Posted on April 25,2024 in Denied Claims and Appeals

CA injury lawyerWorkers who get injured during a work-related accident are generally entitled to workers’ compensation, which is intended to cover the costs related to the accident: hospital bills, medication and treatment, and income loss due to time spent away from work or an inability to resume your job. Sometimes, a workers’ compensation claim is denied for various reasons. Fortunately, there are still options for you if this happens. This article will provide some information about some of the steps you can take to appeal the denial. If this has happened to you, speak with an experienced Morgan Hill, CA workers’ compensation attorney who can guide you through the appeal process and seek maximum compensation.

How Does an Appeal Work?

When an employer’s insurance company denies an initial workers’ comp claim, that does not have to be the final word. California law provides several steps for appealing a denial.

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Inadequate Training and Employer Liability for Injuries

 Posted on April 23,2024 in Workers' Compensation

CA injury lawyerIf your job requires you to operate heavy machinery and equipment, you need to receive proper training so that you know how to handle it safely. Otherwise, you might end up mishandling it, which could lead to serious injury and material damage. If you were injured in a workplace accident while using equipment that you were never properly trained to handle, your employer might be liable for negligence in inadequately training you for your job. A skilled Hollister, CA workers’ compensation lawyer can review your case and offer valuable guidance on how to proceed.

How Can You Prove Employer Negligence?

In the state of California, employers are legally required to properly train any employees whose jobs entail the completion of high-risk. Whether you need to operate forklifts, chainsaws, hazardous materials, 18-wheeler trucks, or firearms, proper training is crucial for the safety of your work environment. If you are given rushed, insufficient training for the equipment you are required to handle at work, it would be considered negligence.

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Workers Compensation Eligibility With PTSD

 Posted on April 15,2024 in Workers' Compensation

CA job injury lawyerWorkplace injuries entitle most employees to workers’ compensation benefits to cover the costs of any injuries or other damage they suffered as a result of the injury. While visible, physical injuries are easier to identify, and mental health can also be affected. If it is, the employee might require treatment or be unable to work as a result, just like with any other injury. If you were injured at work and are suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder, or PTSD, speak with a Morgan Hill, CA workers’ compensation lawyer to understand your rights and seek the coverage you need and deserve.

Who Is Affected by PTSD?

According to the National Institute of Mental Health, anyone can get PTSD at any age, whether they personally experienced a traumatic event or heard about one that someone else lived through. However, we do not know exactly how many Americans are affected by PTSD for several reasons, including:

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What Can I Do if I Lost My Eyesight in a Work Accident?

 Posted on April 09,2024 in Workers' Compensation

CA injury lawyerFew of us ever have the chance to think about how our lives would be different if we lost vision in one or both eyes. But for others, accidents at work cause eye injuries that result in full or partial vision loss, triggering major life changes.

Not being able to see does not only mean the loss of sight itself; it often means losing the ability to do the things you love. Everyday activities become much harder, and other things - like driving, cooking, and doing certain sports - may become impossible. In situations like this, it is absolutely essential that injured people get the help they need. And when this means ensuring that California Workers’ Compensation pays out a full and fair compensation, the attorneys with Cramer + Martinez are here to help.

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How Does Permanent Disability Work in California?

 Posted on March 28,2024 in Types of Benefits

CA disability lawyerWhether you are a construction worker, a teacher, a doctor, a factory worker, or anything else, you can get injured while at work and make a workers’ compensation claim. Often, workers are granted temporary disability benefits to cover their injury-related medical expenses and loss of income in the immediate period following the incident. Unfortunately, some injuries result in permanent damage, and if that is the case, you can apply for permanent disability (PD) benefits. If you think you are eligible for permanent disability, an experienced Morgan Hill, CA workers’ compensation lawyer can review your case and guide you further.

How Can I Get Approved for Permanent Disability?

When someone is injured at work, they can receive workers’ compensation benefits to cover all the medical expenses related to the injury. Some people also get temporary disability benefits, which compensate you for the income loss resulting from your injury during your recovery. Once your recovery is considered complete, meaning you have recovered as much as the medical authorities deem possible, you might be eligible for permanent disability if there are long-lasting issues you will need to live with.

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How Do Independent Medical Reviews Factor in a California Workers’ Comp Case?

 Posted on March 23,2024 in Workers Compensation

CA workers comp lawyerWhen someone is injured at work, they can often get workers’ compensation benefits to help cover the costs of hospital bills, medication, and therapy as well as loss of income resulting from inability to work. Sometimes, an employee’s account of what happened and how he was injured is not enough to prove that he is truly entitled to the benefits. His employer or the employer’s insurance company might try to fight the claims or demand proof of the employee’s claims before they agree to any responsibility. In such cases, an independent medical review (IMR) might be requested. If you are trying to convince your employer or their insurance provider of the severity of injuries you suffered at work, speak with a knowledgeable Morgan Hill, CA workers’ comp attorney about getting an independent medical review.

How Does an Independent Medical Review Work?

If a dispute arises over an employee’s request for medical care, a utilization review (UR) can be ordered. Its purpose is to determine whether someone’s condition truly necessitates the requested care. If a UR results in the employee being denied treatment or offered a modified treatment plan, that same employee can request an independent medical review. He just needs to make sure that the request is submitted within 30 days of receiving the UR determination.

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How Do Supplemental Job Displacement Benefits Work in California?

 Posted on March 14,2024 in Types of Benefits

CA injury lawyerWhen a worker suffers a serious injury with long-lasting effects while on the job, it can be devastating to try to resume a routine once they are in a stable condition and able to work. Employees can receive workers’ compensation benefits that cover the medical expenses, loss of income, and other costs related to their injury until they are medically approved to go back to work. What happens if you can work, generally speaking, but your injury means you can never resume the job you previously had? What if your previous job was something you had to go through specific training for and you do not have the skills needed for other jobs? If this describes you, a Santa Clara County, CA workers’ compensation attorney can walk you through the process of obtaining supplemental job displacement benefits to receive training for a different job.

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