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How Does a PD Rating Affect Workers’ Compensation Disability Benefits?

 Posted on May 27, 2021 in Workers' Compensation

morgan hill workers compensation lawyerPeople who suffer work-related injuries are eligible for workers’ compensation benefits. These benefits cover the costs of medical care, and if an injured worker is required to miss work or suffers a loss of income, they may also receive disability benefits. While temporary disability benefits will apply in situations where a person cannot work or can only work at a reduced capacity for a short period of time, permanent disability benefits may be available for those who have suffered permanent impairments to their ability to earn an income. However, the process of determining the amount an injured worker can receive in permanent disability benefits can be complicated, and it involves the calculation of a PD rating.

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My Workers Compensation Claim Was Denied. Now What?

 Posted on May 20, 2021 in Denied Claims and Appeals

santa clara workers compensation lawyerIn California, employees who are injured on the job are entitled to reimbursement for medical expenses and part of their lost income through workers’ compensation. With some exceptions, anyone who is hurt while performing work tasks is eligible for workers’ compensation or “workers’ comp.” However, some workers’ compensation claims are denied. If you or a loved one applied for workers’ compensation and were denied, a workers’ compensation lawyer may be able to help.

When is a Worker Not Entitled to Workers Compensation?

California workers’ compensation is extensive and covers most individuals. However, there are some exceptions to this generality. For example, if you work in exchange for housing or other aid instead of wages, you do not qualify for workers’ compensation. Individuals who are employed by their parent, spouse, or child in a family business may also be excluded from workers’ compensation. You do not qualify for workers’ compensation if the injury was not related to your job or it occurred when you were off the clock.  

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Did Your Job Worsen a Pre-Existing Medical Condition? You May be Entitled to Workers’ Compensation

 Posted on May 12, 2021 in Workers' Compensation

santa clara workers compensation lawyerMost people struggle with one or more medical conditions at some point in their lives. Whether you have an old sports injury, a degenerative disease, or hearing or vision problems, managing the condition’s symptoms may be a constant struggle. So what happens when work tasks aggravate an existing medical concern? Is the injured worker entitled to financial compensation through workers’ compensation? Is the worker barred from financial recovery because he or she had the condition before being hired?

California Workers’ Compensation Typically Covers Aggravation of Pre-Existing Conditions

Many people assume that they cannot get workers’ compensation for a medical issue that existed before starting their job. Fortunately, California workers’ compensation does cover situations in which a person’s job worsens a pre-existing medical problem. Unfortunately, it is often difficult to get the compensation you need for a pre-existing condition. To get reimbursement for medical bills and lost wages through your employer’s workers’ compensation insurer, you must prove that:

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Can I Get Workers’ Compensation for a Disease or Illness I Acquired at Work?

 Posted on May 06, 2021 in Workers' Compensation

santa clara county workers' compensation lawyerWorkers’ compensation is typically associated with traumatic workplace incidents such as falls or equipment-related accidents. However, California workers’ compensation may also cover illnesses and diseases that a person acquires at work. If you have fallen ill and the condition is work-related, you may be entitled to compensation for medical bills and part of your lost income. Unfortunately, workers’ compensation claims involving illnesses are often harder to prove than other types of worker’s compensation claims.

What Types of Illnesses May Be Covered by Workers’ Compensation?

California covers injuries and illnesses resulting from the work environment and/or completing work tasks. So, if your illness or disease can be linked to job duties or the workplace, you may qualify for compensation. Some illnesses that often lead to workers’ compensation claims include:

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Traumatic Brain Injuries and Workers Compensation in California

 Posted on April 30, 2021 in Workers' Compensation

CA injury lawyerOur brains control everything from walking to problem-solving. When the brain is damaged in a work accident, the worker may be left with severe symptoms that significantly impact his or her life. Fortunately, most injured workers are entitled to compensation through their employer’s workers’ compensation insurance. Unfortunately, obtaining workers’ compensation is sometimes a difficult process. In situations like these, a workers’ compensation lawyer can be an extremely useful asset.

Symptoms of a Brain Injury Can Be Subtle at First

A traumatic brain injury (TBI) occurs when the brain is directly damaged by an object penetrating the skull or, more commonly, when a force causes the brain to strike the inside of the skull. Falling, being struck by objects, and equipment-related accidents are some of the most common on-the-job causes of TBI. One factor that can make TBI especially dangerous is that many TBI sufferers do not immediately realize how badly they are injured. Some symptoms are delayed by hours, days, or longer. Symptoms of TBI often include:

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How to Avoid the Top Three Workers’ Compensation Mistakes

 Posted on April 23, 2021 in Workers' Compensation

CA work injury lawyerFortunately, employees who are hurt on the job in California typically have access to reimbursement through workers’ compensation. While the law entitles most injured workers to compensation for medical expenses and a portion of their lost income, successfully obtaining this compensation is not always easy. There are specific steps an injured worker must take to get compensation after a work injury. Additionally, some mistakes can derail the process of obtaining compensation.

Mistakes That Can Impair Your Ability to Get Workers’ Compensation After a Work Injury

Work injuries can occur during a sudden accident such as falling, or slowly over time due to repetitive motions like bending or twisting. Whatever the cause, a work injury can damage your ability to earn a living. These injuries may also lead to steep medical expenses. Ideally, getting the compensation you need for these financial losses would be straightforward. Unfortunately, obtaining workers’ compensation is sometimes quite challenging. To give yourself the best chances of getting adequate compensation after a work injury, avoid these mistakes:

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I am a Firefighter Who Was Diagnosed with Cancer. Can I Get Workers’ Compensation?

 Posted on April 16, 2021 in Workers' Compensation

CA workers comp lawyerBeing a firefighter is one of the most dangerous jobs a person can have. However, traumatic injuries like burns or broken bones are not the only type of medical concern that may afflict a firefighter. Firefighters are also exposed to toxic fumes and carcinogenic substances in the course of their work that can cause cancer. If you are a firefighter who has been diagnosed with cancer, you may be entitled to financial compensation through workers’ compensation.

How Do I Prove My Cancer is a Work-Related Illness?

Workers’ compensation only covers injuries and illnesses that were acquired during the course of employment. Illnesses like cancer can take months, years, or even decades to show up on medical tests. You may wonder how you can prove that your cancer is a work-related illness. Fortunately, firefighters, peace officers, and the Department of Forestry workers are specifically addressed by California workers’ compensation laws.

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Can I Get Workers’ Comp if the Injury Was My Fault?

 Posted on April 09, 2021 in Workers' Compensation

CA job injury lawyerIdeally, workplace accidents would never happen. Unfortunately, even the safest workplaces experience employee injuries. If you were hurt in a workplace accident, you may have questions about your ability to get reimbursement for medical bills and lost income through workers’ compensation. You may wonder, “Can I get compensation if I caused my injury?” Typically, workers’ compensation coverage is “no-fault” meaning that an employee is covered even if he or she was at fault for the accident or injury. However, there are exceptions to this rule.

Criteria for Workers’ Compensation Coverage in California

To know if you can get financial reimbursement through workers’ compensation, you must first determine if you qualify for workers’ compensation coverage. Employers with one or more employees are required to have workers’ compensation insurance per California law. Full-time, part-time, and seasonal employees are covered by workers’ compensation. If you are an independent contractor, you most likely do not qualify for reimbursement through workers’ compensation.

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Have You Been a Victim of Workers’ Compensation Retaliation?

 Posted on March 28, 2021 in Workers' Compensation

Morgan Hill workers' compensation lawyerCalifornia law requires employers to carry workers’ compensation insurance. This insurance is designed to cover medical bills and partial lost wages for workers who are hurt on the job. California law also prohibits employers from retaliating against employees who have filed a workers’ compensation claim. Employers cannot fire or otherwise discriminate against a worker simply because he or she filed for workers’ compensation. Victims of workers’ compensation discrimination may be entitled to job reinstatement, additional financial compensation, and reimbursement for lost wages.

What Actions Are Considered Discriminatory?

Some employers are irritated by an employee filing a workers’ compensation claim – even when the employee has a legitimate work injury and is rightfully entitled to workers’ compensation benefits. The employer may take out this frustration on the employee by treating him or her differently than the other employees. Not only is this practice unethical, it is also unlawful. Employers who discriminate against an employee because of a workers’ compensation claim, settlement, or award are guilty of a misdemeanor criminal offense.

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California Senate Bill Would Require Certain Contractors to Carry Workers’ Compensation Insurance

 Posted on March 21, 2021 in Workers' Compensation

CA job injury lawyerWhile some professions are more dangerous than others, a workplace injury can happen to anyone. Some work injuries are the result of a one-time incident such as a slip and fall or equipment-related accident. Other injuries are caused by months or years of repetitive stress on certain body parts. Whatever the cause, work-related accidents can incur a significant financial burden on injured workers and their families. Workers’ compensation is intended to relieve this financial burden, however, workers’ compensation is not available to all workers. Supporters of Senate Bill 216 say that the legislation is one step toward making workers’ compensation available to a greater number of California workers.

Supporters of SB-216 Say That Many Contractors Lie About Having Employees

California law requires employers to carry workers’ compensation insurance. However, contractors who do not have employees are exempt from this requirement. Of the nearly quarter-million contractors in California, over half report no employees. However, some believe that many of these contractors are lying. The author of SB-216, California State Senator Bill Dodd, has stated that contractors who falsely claim exemption increase the cost of workers’ compensation for others. This gives the contractors an unwarranted financial advantage over other contractors. Moreover, these falsifications leave injured workers without the protection they deserve. The costs associated with ambulance transportation, hospitalization, and ongoing medical needs resulting from a work injury can quickly add up to staggering amounts. When combined with lost wages from missed work, a serious work injury can nearly bankrupt an injured worker.

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